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Chair's Letter - December/January 2024

Welcome to the, yes, I am going to say it, Chair’s Christmas

letter. Another year is almost at an end. Time flies when you’re having fun, and I know that many of you will be enjoying celebrating this time of the year and indulging in a mince pie or two. Much deserved I say!

We have had three WIs celebrating their centenaries this

year – no mean feat and a wonderful achievement. Well done Marcham, Waterstock and Tiddington and Quarry WIs. I have been lucky enough to have been included in some of your celebrations. Congratulations and I challenge you to another 100 years. Here’s to those that celebrate this wonderful milestone next year!

As you can see from the front cover, our keynote speaker this year for the OFWI Annual Meeting is Liz Hodgkinson, author and journalist. Liz is a regular broadcaster on radio and TV and she has worked on four national newspapers as well as The Lady magazine. She is also in demand as a public speaker on women’s issues. Booking will open via Wix for both Delegates and Observers on 6th January. As I have said before, it would make an OFWI Chair very happy if we could have a representative from every WI at our Annual Meeting.

What a wonderful Christmas present that would be.

Let me draw this year to a close by wishing you season’s greetings and enjoy the festivities

however you choose to spend them. There is much to look forward to in 2025 and I am delighted to report that bookings for OFWI events are on the increase. Your support makes it all worthwhile.

Love and best wishes.


Tracy Strain

OFWI Chair

01235 765285

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