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Chairman's Letter - June 2024

Welcome to the June edition of Oxfordshire Inspires. June heralds the arrival of the summer solstice and the longest day of the year and the official start of the summer. Apparently, it is also National Ice Cream month – who knew that! A very wellkept secret indeed. I sometimes think the WI is a well-kept secret and we should be shouting louder about our wonderful organisation and all it has to offer. In Oxfordshire another wellkept secret is the wonderful Inspires Ladies’ Choir (recently celebrating 10 years since formation) - they meet informally every third Saturday in the month 11.30am - 1.00pm at St. Giles Church in Oxford. £5 per session for coffee/cake and covering a wide and varied repertoire. The choir originally started life representing Oxfordshire Federation in the Choir Competition. I remember going to Dorking to listen to them take part and they have been singing ever since. The choir is made of WI members and non-members. So, if you like to sing and are blessed with a tuneful voice – do go along. Sadly, not one of my gifts but I do make good audience material!

June is also National Annual Meeting time and this year we will enjoy the elegance and great history of the Royal Albert Hall. Back in 1925 some technical issues faced the organisers of that year’s meeting held at Queen’s Hall. What would the women present at the start of the first WIs have thought about talk of a gathering so large, 2,500 women, that amplifiers would

be needed to ensure all the speeches could be heard all over the hall and ensure democratic representation from every WI attending. Always forward thinking! I am sure we will hear loud and clear this year!0

I also know the year is marching on, as at our recent Board meeting it was the time to look at closure dates for the office over the summer so our wonderful staff team can have some holiday time as well as the annual deep clean of the office cupboards!

Right. I think I had better away to the shops and treat my fellow trustees to some-well deserved Ice cream! My love and best wishes.


Tracy Strain

OFWI Chair

01235 765285

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