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Chair's Letter - September 2024

Updated: Sep 25

Welcome to my September letter. I hope you have enjoyed the summer (varied weather might describe it well!) and enjoyed a break from WI matters and that you return refreshed and ready to go! The office at Tackley has been highly polished and cupboards tidied!

September is a special month in WI terms – as an organisation we are 109 this year on the 16th September and I know some of you celebrate WI Day. Next year we have “0” so we thought here in Oxfordshire it is a good opportunity to celebrate. We have a plan in mind and details are still evolving but I will keep you updated and hope that you will join us for a small celebration of our wonderful WI.

Whilst we are making plans for WI Day next September – we will have the NFWI Annual meeting in the June. As mentioned in my letter in my May letter and announced at this year’s AM, the next two NFWI Annual Meetings will be taking place virtually. We are looking at ways in which we can bring WIs and members together to be able to watch in groups and enjoy the day. NFWI are also looking at how they can support federations. I will keep you informed as more information emerges.

May I make a please make a plea to all Presidents that you spend just a few minutes taking your members through Oxfordshire Inspires to ensure everyone knows what events are being arranged by the federation, as well as all the other useful information and news from

other WIs.

And finally, I hope you are keeping up with all the Learning Hub has to offer – if you go to: this will take you to the landing page; either use the carousel or click on the top dropdown menu to take you through to see the many and varied courses that are on offer. The Learning Hub offers both Live and On-Demand Courses. The

On-Demand courses are available to access anytime up to seven days after the “live” courses are delivered. Remember courses are free to WI members. Courses can be shown at WI meetings – the vision of the Hub is to be accessible and inclusive to all. Quite useful if your speaker lets you down at the last minute!

Love and best wishes.


Tracy Strain

OFWI Chair

01235 765285

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